Introductory mycology alexopoulos pdf
Introductory mycology alexopoulos pdf

Mature fruits as well as infected fruits were collected from these sites in a sterile polyethylene bags. Eight wild fruits were selected for the study of fruits from wooden packeted storage condition. were collected from different markets of Cachar district. Citrus limon, Mangifera indica, Musa paradisiaca, Psidium guajava, Elaeocarpus floribundus, Phyllanthus emblica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Carambola sp. The average rainfall of the valley is 670.9 mm and the mean monthly temperature ranged between 8.5˚-36.2˚. The area has an average altitude of 20-40 m asl falls between 24˚15́ N and 25˚8́ N latitude and 92˚15́E and 93˚15́E longitude and the climate is a tropical humid type. Present investigation was carried out to study of various fungal pathogens responsible for the post harvest, decay and deterioration of economically important fruits from the Cachar district of Assam. In Assam, actual availability of fruits and vegetables in the market goes down by 35% to 40% due to post harvest losses (State Agricultural Policy, Assam 2004).There is no published data on pathogenic fungi which cause the post harvest diseases associated with local fruits. Different types of fruits are grown in Barak valley but low production of these local fruits could not afford the demand of the consumer as they are highly prone to fungal pathogens due to high moisture content and tropical humid climate. storage, transit or trans-shipment, during handling processes required to move the crop from the grower to the whole sale dealer and to retailer and finally to consumers. Post harvest deterioration of fruits may take place in any stages viz. During post harvest period diseases can affect the quality of fruits. Fruits are highly perishable and maintain an active metabolism during the storage phase. The high concentration of various sugars, minerals, vitamins and amino acids also provide a good platform for the successful growth and survival of various parasitic and saprophytic forms of fungi (Fatima et al., 2010). Fruits make important diet for human beings.

Introductory mycology alexopoulos pdf